This is a collection of resources on the radiology report.  Everyone has an opinion, and I try to share mine as well as others’ here.  Please feel free to leave your thoughts, or share any other resources that you find useful.


The Radiology Report Book

The Radiology Report by Curtis Langlotz – Recently published book that is a comprehensive and well researched resource about the radiology report (history, style/substance, voice recognition software, future, etc).

The Language of Fractures – An oldie that is out of print, but establishes the fundamentals of how to describe findings for bone radiography (the principles can be applied to just about any modality as I tried to do in my Lunguage page).

Online Resources:

University of Florida Curriculum in Radiology Reporting – a resource that I was fortunately exposed to as a first year resident.  A really nice place to start and learn the fundamentals of radiology reports.

Radiology Literature:

This is a list of some of my favorite reporting articles from over the years: